Volunteer Personal Electronics Form
Electronic devices for personal use, including but not limited to cellular phones, bluetooth, laptops, tablets, ipods, mp3 players, or PDAs, are prohibited while on duty. These devices are to be placed on silent or vibration mode and be put away. You may use your personal devices if you are on a lunch break.
Hospital Telephones
Hospital telephones are designed for patient care or hospital business use and should be used for personal calls only in an emergency.
Camera Use
Due to the sensitive and confidential nature of the work performed at our facilities, you are not permitted to take pictures or video without prior approval from leadership. If you are given permission, any pictures or video taken must NEVER include anything that would identify a patient. Photos of patients, staff, proprietary information, or work areas should never be posted on personal social networking pages.
Hospital Computers
There may be public access computers in the facility, which you may use before or after your volunteer shift. However, keep in mind these computers are monitored for activity at all times. Volunteers should never be on a work computer unless a) use of the computer is required to complete the volunteer assignment and b) the volunteer has been assigned a personal username and password by the organization. These computers should never be used for anything not specifically required for the volunteer assignment.
Social Networking
Although the organization understands and supports the value of sharing information electronically, it is the responsibility of all staff and volunteers to ensure appropriate content and behavior when engaging in social networking sites.
When using social networking, you should do so with the understanding that you are accountable for anything your send or post regarding the organization, its patients/families, staff and physicians. If any such posting are in violation of the organization’s policies or in any way harm the reputation/image of the organization, the volunteer may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Any volunteer who wishes to establish a website, social network, electronic bulletin board or other web based communication tool regarding the business of the organization must have the permission of the public relations/media department leader.