Paternity Acknowledgement Program
The Birthing Center has joined with the Kentucky Paternity Acknowledgment Program to provide information and awareness regarding the responsibilities of parenthood.
Father’s Day is June 17th and a great time to bring even more awareness to the issue by encouraging unmarried parents to establish paternity.
The Birthing Center offers Paternity Affidavits as part of their practice. For more information, contact Mary Jo Westerfield or the Birthing Center staff at 330.6300.
Find a Provider
Find a primary care provider or specialist near you in our extensive network of clinics and hospitals.
To-Do Checklist for a Healthy Pregnancy
This is such a special time in your life. Here are five things to do when you find out you're pregnant.
COVID-19 Vaccine: Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Vaccination is the best way to reduce the risks of COVID-19 infection and related complications for both you and your baby.
Maternity Education Classes

Learn more about the childbirth and breastfeeding classes we offer, and register today.