Local Girl Scouts Learn CPR Through Partnership with KentuckyOne Health - Archived

February is National Heart Month and Girl Scouts troops from Lexington and Scott County will learn CPR as part of their mission to earn their Go Red Patch.
KentuckyOne Health and the American Heart Association partnered with the Girl Scouts of Kentucky’s Wilderness Road Council to create the Go Red Girl Scout Patch program. The program aims to educate young girls about their hearts and how to keep them healthy. It includes various activities for each troop level from Daisies through Seniors and Ambassadors that involve understanding risk factors for heart disease, learning how the heart functions, the basics of cholesterol and its impact on the heart, what makes a healthy diet and CPR.
WHAT: Local Girl Scouts Receive CPR Training for Go Red For Women Heart Health patch program
WHEN: Thursday February 6, 2014
6:30-7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Saint Joseph Office Park
Building D, 4th Floor
- B-roll of local Girl Scouts learning CPR for National Heart Month
- Interviews with participants and troop leaders
Publish date:
Tuesday, February 04, 2014