Bariatric FAQs
What is the risk of weight loss surgery?
As with any major surgery, there is a risk of complications with bariatric surgery. Our staff will fully educate our patients to the risks of surgery during the pre-operative process. You will learn more about possible complications and the incidence of these complications at our Introductory Seminar.
What is a Center of Excellence?
Institutions will qualify for designation as an American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence (BSCOE) when they can document to the Surgical Review Corporation (SRC) that 1) they have the components to perform safe bariatric surgery, and 2) they have excellent short and long-term outcomes. These indices, therefore, not only document process, i.e. equipment, supplies, training of surgeons, and the availability of consultant services, but emphasize results.
How much weight will I lose after surgery?
This will vary according to the motivation and compliance of the patient.
Roux-en-Y bypass patients usually lose at least 75 - 85 percent of excess body weight within six months. Adjustable gastric banding patients usually lose approximately 35 -55 percent of excess body weight over a longer period of time.
How long is the operation and hospital stay?
Roux-en-Y patients are in the hospital an average of two days and patients generally return to work within 10 days. The adjustable gastric band is performed as an outpatient procedure and patients generally return to work within one week.
Will I know what I can eat after surgery?
Yes. We have an extensive dietary program. Our patients are seen one-on-one with our dietitian before surgery and also as a small pre-operative group before surgery. It is mandatory that all patients receive this education before surgery. Our dietitian visits each patient at scheduled intervals after surgery.
Will my insurance cover weight loss surgery and your program?
Our comprehensive program strictly adheres to the National Institutes of Health guidelines for criteria for bypass surgery. Each patient must examine their own insurance policy to determine if benefits are available for obesity surgery. Our office will also verify insurance benefits and discuss any additional documentation that is required from you. The hospital will reach out to each patient to discuss out-of-pocket expenses prior to your procedure. Financial questions are generally answered in our Introductory Seminar; however, we are available to answer specific questions on an individual basis.
How much should I weigh to qualify for surgery?
To quality for surgery patients must weigh 100 pounds more than their ideal body weight, or have a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 40. However, patients who weigh less than this may be considered if they suffer from other illnesses that are related to their weight such as diabetes, high blood pressure or sleep apnea. Calculate your BMI here.
For more information, call 859.967.5520.
Explore more :
Weight Loss Surgery Assessment
Learn if you qualify for weight loss surgery with our free online assessment.
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Nationally Recognized Bariatrics Program