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Why You Should Get the COVID-19 Vaccine

December 19, 2021 Posted in: Health & Wellness  1 minute read time
Shelley Stanko

"The vaccine is one of our most powerful tools to help control how this virus spreads. The vaccine is not a cure. It’s not going to make COVID-19 go away. However, what we see consistently is that it absolutely decreases infection rates and, if you get the virus, it decreases the severity of illness.”

– Shelley Stanko, MD, chief medical officer, Saint Joseph London, Saint Joseph Berea

"We know that the numbers are so much worse — pregnant women with COVID have such a greater risk of going to the (intensive care) unit, needing intubation, needing ECMO and, ultimately, they’re at greater risk of dying. It is critically important that they vaccinate at any time during pregnancy.”

Amy Carrillo, DO, CHI Saint Joseph Medical GroupObstetrics & Gynecology, Lexington

Amy Carrillo
James Duncan

"Looking at the efficacy of the vaccine, we’re finding that it’s not perfect, particularly with the delta variant. You can still contract COVID, but the chances are much lower. When we look at our vaccine statistics, when we look at our hospitalization rates for those who have severe disease, it is much lower when you’re vaccinated.”

James Duncan, MD, CHI Saint Joseph Medical GroupPrimary Care, Lexington

"We are very fortunate to have vaccines created in such a rapid fashion that are effective in preventing significant morbidity and mortality from the COVID-19 virus.”

Monte Martin, MD, CHI Saint Joseph Medical GroupCancer Care Center, Bardstown

Monte Martin
Thomas McCormick

"These vaccines, which have been given to millions of people, will help to protect you from COVID-19 and prevent serious complications. The majority of the people who have become seriously ill or died have not received the vaccine.”

Thomas McCormick, MD, CHI Saint Joseph Medical GroupPrimary Care, Mount Sterling

A version of this article originally appeared in the Fall 2021 print edition of Spirit of Health.


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