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As Seasons Change, Stay Calm

As Seasons Change, Stay Calm

November 08, 2020 Posted in: Health & Wellness

Anxiety and stress are high right now, and you may fear upcoming colder and darker months will make things worse. Taking charge of your mental health can help you prepare for the transition in seasons.

“If you continue to worry about the future, it’s robbing you of any joy in today,” said Amy Frazier, MS, psychologist with Saint Joseph East. “Focus on taking this one day at a time and be fully connected to the present. We may not be in control of the world, but we can establish a sense of control in our own space.”

Frazier recommends the following three tips to keep your mental health in check this fall and winter.

1. Don’t bottle it up. Suppressing emotions can lead to burnout. Find someone trustworthy to talk to through any bad days.

2. Find calming indoor hobbies. It may be colder outside, but you can still de-stress with several indoor activities. These could include cooking, guided meditation, yoga, playing music, journaling, crafting, sewing and reading.

3. Schedule news time. Getting constant updates on the pandemic results in anxiety and stress. Instead, schedule a few minutes each day to read headlines, and then turn the news off. You may also consider limiting time spent reading posted news stories on social media feeds, as well. 

A version of this article originally appeared in the Fall 2020 edition of Spirit of Health. For more stories like this one, subscribe to Spirit of Health magazine today.

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