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A Robotic Revolution in Gynecological Surgery

A Robotic Revolution in Gynecological Surgery

April 24, 2022 Posted in: Women's Care  3 minute read time


Imagine undergoing surgery and being back on your feet in a couple of days. Patients at CHI Saint Joseph Health don’t have to imagine. Robotic gynecological surgery makes these noninvasive procedures a reality.

A Bevy of Benefits

The term “robotic surgery” is a bit misleading since robots do not perform any surgery. Rather, a surgeon uses robotics to conduct the procedure with greater precision. CHI Saint Joseph Health uses the da Vinci surgical robot, which provides 3D imaging of the patient’s anatomy during surgery. This enables the surgeon to work with much greater precision and range of motion to improve surgical outcomes.

Adopted by CHI Saint Joseph Health in 2013, the da Vinci system has resulted in more accurate diagnoses, shorter operations, small bandage-sized incisions, less postoperative pain and fewer opioid prescriptions.

“Robotic surgery affords a minimally invasive approach to make complicated procedures easier,” said Larry Butler, MD, FACOG, CHI Saint Joseph Medical GroupObstetrics & Gynecology in Lexington. “Using this technology, difficult cases are resolved safely and more completely, and patients can return to an active, normal life sooner.”

Am I a Candidate for Robotic Surgery?

Many patients, including those who have had previous abdominal or reproductive surgery with poor results, may consider robotic surgery. Dr. Butler says advancements in robotic procedures now provide better outcomes than surgeries that involve large incisions or longer recovery time. At CHI Saint Joseph Health, robotic technology is used to perform several gynecological procedures, including:

  • C-section repair
  • Endometriosis
  • Pelvic pain diagnostics
  • Hysterectomies
  • Pelvic prolapse


Patients with complicated cases may also consider robotic technology. Dr. Butler says vaginal or abdominal prolapse repair used to have a 40% recurrence rate, but with robotic technology, recurrence happens only 10% to 15% of the time.

“The robotic technology makes it safer to treat those difficult conditions,” Dr. Butler said. “Using the da Vinci system allows us to diagnose and treat complicated cases in ways we couldn’t before.”

Ask for Options

“Patients need to know the option for robotic surgery is there,” Dr. Butler said. “If they’ve had poor outcomes before, the robotic technology is an advantage to potentially bring them to the next level of healing. They just need to ask.”

Dr. Butler suggested speaking with your provider about your level of activity, previous medical history and sexual functioning to determine your best gynecological treatment method.

“Robotic procedures may not be for everyone,” Dr. Butler said. “Yet it’s important to ask the questions and find a provider with expertise in all surgical options.”

CHI Saint Joseph Health has multiple women’s health locations that provide leading-edge treatment closer to home.  Find your nearest provider online.

CHI Saint Joseph Medical Group - Obstetrics & Gynecology

CHI Saint Joseph Medical Group - Obstetrics & Gynecology

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